QuGANTIC Partners
QuGantic is a collaboration between european universities and leading quantum startups. Click on the menus below to learn more about our partners.

The Department of Physics and Astronomy at Aarhus University is the coordinating partner in the project. The group at Aarhus University specializes in theoretical quantum technology and quantum algorithms, as well as operational protocols for quantum hardware.
The participating team from the Hannover Centre for Optical Technologies are experts in quantum optics and integrated photonics quantum technology based on
frequency modes.
TU/e coordinates several prominent Dutch research schools and institutes, such as the Institute for Photonic Integration (IPI), and has a strong position within international research networks. The TU/e is a natural partner for technology intensive enterprises. The campus is a fertile breeding ground for new business ventures.
The Eindhoven Hendrik Casimir Institute (EHCI) provides a focus on photonics and quantum technology activities at the TU/e. It employs more than 200 scientists and technicians working on photonics and quantum-related materials, device and systems research. This is one of the world’s leading institutes in the field of photonic integration and holds a number of records on device miniaturization and integration complexity. It has access to an 800 square meter cleanroom, the Nanolab@TU/e, with a full suite of equipment for R&D of advanced III-V-based materials, devices and circuits, including the only deep UV scanner lithography tool configured for 3″ and 4″ InP wafers.
Researchers from the Photonic Integration (PhI) group, department of Electrical Engineering, will contribute to this project. PhI has a long-standing experience in national and European research projects, including the FP6 NoE ePIXnet, where it took a leading role in the creation of the InP technology platform JePPIX, which was the first platform to provide open access to advanced photonic integration processes using a foundry model, and the service offered by JePPIX is globally unique. Over 500 designs have been delivered to users through JePPIX (see www.jeppix.eu). PhI coordinates and chairs the steering group of JePPIX. PhI has spun-off several companies on PICs, including SMART Photonics (www.smartphotonics.nl), the unique pure-play InP foundry based on the PhI generic InP technology.
QuiX Quantum is a market leader in photonic quantum computing, providing powerful quantum photonic processors that are a market-validated platform of choice for quantum developers worldwide.
Kvantify is a quantum and high-performance computing company specializing in software development. In the project, Kvantify will be focusing on developing use cases and corresponding concrete algorithms to test use cases on quantum hardware.